Thursday 30 October 2014


Vantage Point is a thrilling American film heavily involved with action and drama and the title sequence helps convey these genres. The opening scene is a black screen but slowing a birds eye view is revealed of various buildings presumably in Spain considering the film is based there. The colour of the picture is a saturated orange tint which creates heat and excitement, foreshadowing some emotions which are yet to come.

Furthermore, another way in which excitement is created is through the music used; the music is repetitive but slow yet still very much relevant to the politics and crime within the film. The repetition of the music builds tension with help from the images of weaponry and police vehicles which arguably will keep the audience intrigued and hints at the action based genre.

Nonetheless, the camera angles are somewhat secretive and distinctive and it makes it seem like it is being filmed by you as an audience member following what seems to be the presidents every move; an example of this is the shot between railings which makes you presume someone is being spied on. But then at the closing scene all the images break away and come together to create the title: Vantage Point. 

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