Tuesday 11 November 2014

RESEARCH: How Brands Profile Audiences

I started by investigating how brands target audiences in preparation for creating my own audience profile for my AS Foundation Production. I need to develop a plan in order to reach my target audience needs. I have looked into the target audience, and I aim to ensure that the short film stands out over my competitors. I also looked at what audience should watch my film. The genre of film is a thriller so I looked into various surveys and social media pages as a way of seeing what sort of people would enjoy this genre of film. Numerous brands tend to use target market groups as an in depth way of making sure what they are producing will appeal to those who they aim to sell it to. Audiences can be segmented and defined by their GEARS GenderEthnicityAgeRegion / nationalitySocio-economic groupI found Kiss FM most useful: 

This is evident that most of the target audience for Kiss FM is aimed towards youthful listeners. In order to retrieve this information, Kiss FM have intelligently gathered together data in form of a market research so that when live on air they can lure in the younger generation but playing songs in particular that may appeal to them. When broadcasting the presenters will have some knowledge of specific spoken language techniques which teenagers are able to relate with.


Whilst studying the Kiss FM target audience I personally believe it could potentially share similar aspects, especially the target age range which my thriller will appeal most to.


  1. A fair start but you needed to have finished this.

  2. You have not taken on board that you were required to finish this.
