Friday 3 April 2015


We devise, film and edit a short exercise in film making which OCR asks us to complete prior to our film opening. We watch examples of the exercise such as those undertaken by Claremont students last year and others like this one.
Here is another example. Here is another.
Here is the OCR Specification 
We are doing the video brief which includes the preliminary exercise as set out below.

My group and I edited our preliminary conversation using iMovie, we imported our clips filmed with a Cannon 550D onto the iMac. The reason we chose the iMovie software was due to the efficient and easy setup which allowed us to trim down our clips because there were unnecessary conversations and other irrelevant noises and sounds which featured. In order to achieve a steady camera we placed it onto a tripod which allowed us to film effectively. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What I expected to find:
    PREP: Post an account of your filming and editing along with the completed prelim. State what you think you learned, using 'articulate reflection'. Support your account with screenshots.

  3. You worked effectively with your group to produce your preliminary exercise and meet the brief.
